Sunday, February 19, 2012

Speaking to an Empty Auditorium

Due to the fact that the total number of readers of this blog currently totals 0, I never post new stuff. Has it really been two years that I've been neglecting this thing? I'm 15 now. Since two days ago. Felt the need to say that, in order to at least update this thing with current information. So. What can I say? I'm going to cover my wall over my bed with random awesome stuff....and I got new books for my birthday...and Redvines...and sheet music...and pencils...and a pencilcase...and my mother apparently thinks I'm girly enough to appreciate the gift certificate to a facial she got me. Not that I have anything against facials...I don't have a personal vendetta towards them or anything...they're just...not anything I'd want to have done. My face is fine. It doesn't need a ton of gunk smeared all over it. I'm not trying to look particularly good. I don't really care. I never even wear makeup...except for special occasions or the odd day when I'm trying to figure out how exactly you put on eyeliner. I'm kind of terrible at that, although I'm a facepainter. Apparently I should be good at it because of that, I have to use makeup remover in order to make it look as if I haven't been turned into a panda overnight.
Anyway, I'm kind of a boring person. I'm learning how to use a quill pen thing, with ink and such, but my friend Katie managed to ruin about five pages of my sketchbook. And then Iman decided to use my sketchbook without asking permission, which irritated me to no end because it's almost as if she doesn't think she needs to ask permission, which she does, because as an only child I'm possessive about my stuff.
I should put things up on my wall, but I'm a bit lazy, and I have stuff on my bed and I don't want to move it or step on it while putting things up. Meh. La di da.
I should shut up, too. Sign off. Leave this blog to die. But I keep on making it limp along, updating once every six months or so. When did I last post? Earlier this year. Hmm, maybe I'm better at this than I thought. Perhaps. Maybe. Perchance.
I tend to list synonyms when I'm running out of things to say. Sorry about that.
Ramblings of a fifteen year old. Must be so entertaining. Well, I'm going to stop typing and do something slightly more productive...maybe.
And by the way, Homestuck is awesome. Read it. It's insanely long, but awesome. Awesometastical. Eeyup. Bye.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Frost Whisper

Here, have a pony.

Nothingness. And boredom.

Okay. So by now, I'm aware that I have a grand total of ZERO people who read this. So...I could practically post anything I wanted on here. Not that I will, of course, because someday someone may read this, and I could incriminate myself for the future. And I don't want to be denied any job offers or anything because I said such-and-such on my random blog when I was 14. Sooo.

I'm going to redye my hair tomorrow. I've got dye in the three primary colors so I can do it rainbow. I like rainbows. Of course, I need to fiddle around with bleach and stuff beforehand. When I last bleached the segment I dye, I kind of accidentally didn't leave it on long enough, so near the roots it dyes really well but in the middle of the hair it's just kind of this light brown color. And the clump that I bleached before that is almost white under the green-ness that the turquoise fades to. So I guess I'll have to bleach that bit a LITTLE to get the turquoise out, I'll have to get my mom to bleach the roots of it all (I can't do that, it's way too awkward), and then she'll insist on doing the rest, so then we'll have to bleach the part I did last time for however long that takes, and then finally bleach whatever else I want doing all the way from brown to blonde. White-blonde, preferably. Wouldn't it be cool to have natural white-blonde hair? Or to dye your hair electric blue? I would so totally do that. It would be so awesome.
In other news...I was disappointed that Hot Topic didn't have the awesome Rainbow Dash shirt I wanted today. And then Lauren bought the last small "this shirt just got 20% cooler" shirt, so that made me sad.
And finally....My Little Pony is awesome. Watch it. But make sure it's the new one, not the old one. Because the old ones are awful. And the new one is more than 20% cooler. And Rainbow Dash is amazing. And I shall shut up now. Farewell.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

I exist.....

Well, hello there. I've sort of abandoned this, haven't I? Well....I may as well rant about something, because I feel like ranting.
I've changed since I started doing this....I mean, I'm different now. I don't know.....
I'm currently obsessing over Starship, the newest musical from Team Starkid, the creators of AVPM and AVPS. And I'm considering cleaning my room so I can get iTunes money and buy the album. Because currently I'm listening to it on YouTube and stuff, and...I just need to get it on my iPod so I don't go insane. Because I might if I don't listen to it overly much....because it's just that good. You should go watch's on YouTube.
If that doesn't convince you, Darren Criss wrote all the songs for it. All of them. And it's AMAZING that he has that kind of talent. There are songs in it that make you want to cry, sing, laugh, dance, and.....I don't know. It's All I can say....
Okay, I'll stop here for now. You know, because I don't want to bore my nonexistant readers...
Just a note-I'm 14 now. Not 13....

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year's 2011. This blog fails. I fail at blogging. Understood?


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

It's been a long time........

........since I posted anything. So hi. And I kinda have to go now, so bye. Sorry this is so short............

Sunday, April 11, 2010

It's Sunday...

....and tomorrow we all go back to school. Yaaaaay.

Don't you wish that we could have....I don't know, Wednesdays off? Seriously, when we have holidays on Wednesdays or professional development days or something, I can focus better on Thursday and Friday. Then again, I do have gym on Wednesdays.....another reason that they should proclaim no school, ever, on Wednesdays!! 'Cause they are just evil!!!!!

So in my life...our school play is at the end of next week, and so we're rehearsing like mad. I'm happy that for the first time, there are pictures of TAG Shakespeare up on the school's website. I'm slightly annoyed by the fact that in the school play, all the Pick-a-Little Ladies (Yes, we're doing The Music Man) have to wear bright red lipstick, but nobody else does. Oh, well, I can always give it to my mom afterwords........

I accomplished....not much this weekend. I made curry for dinner with my dad and then ate ice cream. But really, why am I doing this? It's not like anyone will read this anyways.

Until next time!
~Lucinda S.